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HCTV Studio                                                                                               August 18, 2011
800 Main Street                                                                                         7:00 P.M.

MEMBERS PRESENT:        Chris Hugo, Patt Popple, Larry Popple, Duffy Tilson. Ginny Ursin
ALSO PRESENT:   Johnny Suire, Public Access Director
                        Jay Brunetta, Incoming Public Access Director
                        Jon Kelly, Production Assistant

  • Minutes of Meeting of June 16, 2011 were reviewed and accepted.
  • Personnel Changes:  Johnny has accepted a great opportunity in video production at EMC Corporation and will be leaving at the end of the month.  Committee members individually expressed their appreciation for the outstanding job that Johnny has done for the last 9 years.
  • Satellite Dish: The dish is now working.  A major problem was the infestation by hornets which Johnny was able to remove so that Bob Berg, who originally installed the disk, could repair it.  For now it is working fine.  Programming from the dish rotates between The Pentagon Channel, NASA TV and the Classic Arts Channel.  Duffy suggested that brush, weeds etc. be removed from the dish area and the ground be covered with gravel to reduce the nesting places for hornets.  Duffy also suggested that we start looking for a replacement dish since this one was getting old and suffered from the New England weather.  He pointed out that major technology advances have been made since this dish was acquired.
  • Playback system.  The studio playback system for channels 11 and 13 is well past its useful life.  It requires frequent reboots and is very limited in its capabilities.  The Channel 13 Bulletin Board does not work at all.  It operates on the old Microsoft Me operating system!  Johnny and Jay have selected the Lighttronix Ultra Nexus playback system.  This system is available under Commonwealth of Massachusetts contract from Valley Cinema of Springfield.  Some of its features:  ability to stream on-line for anyone on the internet to watch live shows: 4 Terabyte storage capacity; 5 yr warranty, Moved and VOTED to purchase this system for up to $30,000.00.
  • Set Development  Johnny has had some professional set designs drawn up to replace our dismal sets.  Actualizing the designs as presented would probably cost more than $25,000.  Jay will look into less costly alternatives
  • Current and future productions
  • On the Mark  returning with taping next Tuesday
  • New programs: Home Town Holden with Town Manager Nancy Galgowski.  Holden Rec done, future programs on Library (new director), and public safety building
  • On the Road will be back with Jen stanovich
  • To your good life  
  • Mountview Graduation: Jon is editing and it will start to air soon
  • Beatles for Sale : Tribute band on the library lawn
  • Forge Work Farm
  • Merrick O’Connell going to continue at Senior Center with Wills 101, Hospice Planning, Veterans benefits.  Very popular series
  • Holden Days:  Trolley all set, Jay and Jen doing interviews, Jon Kelly doing “B” roll

Respectfully Submitted,
Larry Popple